The Cole-Parmer SP-200 visible spectrophotometers are high-quality, low-cost units perfect for schools/colleges and QC and testing labs. Models 83054-00 and 83054-07 with domed lid accept taller tubes with height of up to 105 mm.
* Requires free on-line registration.
Please Note:Â The Jenway Model number 630501 has now been rebranded Cole-Parmer under Model number SP-200-VIS. All the same great features and specifications, just with a new and improved look.
Source Lamp: Tungsten-Halogen
Bandwidth: 8nm
Min Wavelength (nm): 320
Max Wavelength (nm):1000
Wavelength Accuracy: ± 2nm
Min Photometric – Transmittance (%T): 0
Max Photometric – Transmittance (%T): 199.9
Min Photometric – Absorbance (A):-0.3
Max Photometric – Absorbance (A): 1.999
Min Photometric – Concentration (C): -300
Max Photometric – Concentration (C): 1999
Detector: Solid-state
Output: RS-232; 0 to 1.999 V